
  • Eco-Friendly Web Hosting When Possible
    Wherever I can, I’ll host websites on sustainable servers—ones powered by renewable energy or that offset their carbon footprint. If that’s not an option, I’ll offer other ways to make up for it.
  • Optimized for Lower Carbon Impact
    No matter where a site is hosted, I’ll make sure all the assets are optimized to keep the carbon footprint as low as possible.
  • No Plastic Coatings for Looks
    Plastic coatings like soft-touch, UV-spot, and laminate? Not for aesthetics. They make paper non-recyclable and add to the microplastic problem. But if laminate’s crucial for durability, I’ll make that call thoughtfully.
  • No Fancy Metallic Foils
    Metallic foils may look cool, but they stop paper from being recyclable and can release toxins into the environment when they break down. So, I skip them unless there’s a real need.
  • Plastic Packaging Only When Necessary
    I’ll only use plastic in packaging if I need a moisture barrier and there’s no better option like glass or aluminum.
  • Print Only What’s Needed
    One of the simplest ways to reduce waste is to print only what’s absolutely necessary.